Hocus pocus Nursery Bolton Outdoor Play

hocus pocus nursery bolton children's play area

Hocus Pocus Nursery Bolton Outdoor Play Areas

Here we have a large grassy area that is used to its full potential at sports day (weather permitting). Natural play includes a large mud and water play area, stepping stones and den making.

We also utilise the garden where possible for picnics, pumpkin rolling at Halloween and building snowmen at Christmas, although the latter has taken place in March on at least one occasion!

campfire play outdoor play area hocus pocus nursery bolton
outdoor play nursery bolton

It is not all play! At Hocus Pocus Day Nursery we have developed our own programme called Nature Explorers, which aims:

  • To develop a healthier lifestyle

    Developing a healthy lifestyle in young children is key to helping them develop both mentally and academically. Outdoor play supports children's healthier lifestyles.

  • To nurture self esteem

    Studies have shown that children who feel good about them self are willing to try new things and feel comfortable in new environments. Being involved in new challenges in the great outdoors supports children self esteem even at a very young age. This also supports children transitions that they may encounter at a young age.

  • To learn to work as a team and develop our communication skills

  • To develop independence

    Giving the children the opportunity to take on challenges in the great outdoors and learning through trial and error helps children develop independence which is beneficial later in life.

  • To teach resilience and allow for risk taking

    With the support of Early Years practitioner activities offered by Nature Explorers gives the children the opportunity to participate in risk assessed activities. This supports children in building resilience within themselves.

nursery bolton outdoor pond
play area nursery in bolton